
Just some thoughts about certain TV shows, movies, books & other things. The highlights and lowlights mixed with some sarcasm.

American Idol: Ellen is the People’s Judge 09/11/2009

Filed under: TV Shows — showznbookz @ 5:26 pm
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Ellen_DeGeneresI was completely shocked when Ellen announced that she would be the new judge on American Idol.  But, I immediately smiled and cheered because I love her!  She seems like an unlikely choice for the show since they usually invite guest judges that are a part of the music industry (except for that one ridiculous time when Quentin Tarantino was invited for Movie Week).

I believe she’s a great choice because she’s a fan of the show who’s been watching since the very first season, and she always critiques it on her own show.  She can dance, she listens to a lot of R&B, Rap and Hip-Hop music, and she definitely knows what she likes and doesn’t like when she hears a song, just like us – the viewers at home. Ellen represents us, and will be the people’s, or consumer’s, judge who will offer her opinion among the panel of “elites” – Simon, Randy and Kara.

“But wait”, you say, “she can’t sing!”  Can Simon sing?  No!  But Simon has an ear for music and an eye for talent, just like we, the viewer.   He always offers his honest opinions – which is why I appreciate his criticisms – and I feel Ellen will offer honesty but in a non-condescending way.  Then there’s – I mean, was Paula Abdul, whom I also love  and I remember the days when I’d sing along to Forever Your Girl, but is Paula a great singer like Whitney Houston?  No!  But no one complained about her being a judge for a singing show.  Then there’s Randy, who played bass for Journey but whenever he tries to sing some notes, it doesn’t sound so great.  Instead, Randy uses his talents for the behind-the-scenes aspect of music, just like Kara Dioguardi, who has an extra talent for writing songs.

So I don’t see why some people are talking smack about Ellen.  She offers something different and AI needs something new and fresh to boost their ratings.  I can’t even remember the name of the guy who won last season.  I remember Adam, but not the “winner.”  Anyway, Ellen will be working on her talk show on days, and on AI at nights, and if someone has that kind of commitment and work ethic, then how can you slam her?  Give her a chance Ellen-haters.  She will actually boost ratings and I’m looking forward to watching a new season of AI more than ever before.

So just because you’re not a musician or part of the music industry doesn’t mean you don’t know anything about music.  And thank God the new permanent judge isn’t Posh Spice!  If Paula wasn’t such a great singer, Victoria Beckham sure ain’t, and I wouldn’t have wanted another British judge on American Idol, nor someone with a “plastic” image who has said that she’d never wear flat shoes.  What?!

Way to go for choosing Ellen Degeneres as the new judge for American Idol.  Get ready for more laughs!

EXTRA:  There’s one thing I’d like to see change on the show.  I wish they’d have one season where only the four judges get to decide who gets voted off each week instead of “America’s” votes, and ultimately pick the winner.  Sometimes, the show turns into a popularity contest and tweens just call in for the cutest guy.  Chris Daughtry, Melinda Doolitle, Jennifer Hudson and Michael Johns all got robbed in some way, but both Chris and Jennifer have found better fame.  I’m still looking out for Melinda and Michael, though.


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