
Just some thoughts about certain TV shows, movies, books & other things. The highlights and lowlights mixed with some sarcasm.

American Idol – Matt Giraud (032607) 03/27/2009

Filed under: Music,TV Shows — showznbookz @ 11:30 pm


Are you kidding me America?  Last night, the uber talented, piano-playing, soulful-singing Matt Giraud was in the bottom two for singing Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On in one of the sexiest performances of the evening.  What?!  Even the judges loved him and gave him good reviews.  I thought that was really shady America.

The thing about American Idol is that it can sometimes turn into a popularity contest instead of a singing and performing contest.  Maybe because Matt went first last night that people forgot to vote for him?  Although he’s a pretty good looking guy, maybe that cyst on the middle of his forehead turns some people off?  I don’t think appearances should matter.  There was no doubt that when Michael Sarver was the one in trouble that the judges would not save him; I don’t know how this guy even made it into the top 13.  On the other hand, if Matt was the one who was in trouble,  the four judges would have saved him for sure because he deserves to be in this competition.

By the way, what a wonderful performance by Joss Stone and Smokey Robinson.  That’s going to be an Idol highlight that will last through time.

Next week, get it right America! Thanks to the producers after 7 long years, they finally came up with a “judges’ save” rule.  Other contestants that were robbed in the past were Michael Johns, Chris Daughtry, Melinda Doolitle and Jennifer Hudson.