
Just some thoughts about certain TV shows, movies, books & other things. The highlights and lowlights mixed with some sarcasm.

Battlestar Galactica: Islanded in a Stream of Stars (420) 03/15/2009

Filed under: TV Shows — showznbookz @ 1:48 am


What a ho-hum and disappointing episode of BSG.  We didn’t find out anything new! We already knew from the last episode that they would most likely abandon ship.  But no new revelations and just the same questions.  I think I’ve seen Bill Adama one too many times crying on the floor of the Galactica.  After a few times, it’s overkill.  I think in this episode, I’ve never heard Hera speak so much either!

Ah well, can’t wait for the two part finale.  *sniffle*  This can’t be the end already!  I always wished they stretched out the story for another season.  I’ll miss BSG.  =(