
Just some thoughts about certain TV shows, movies, books & other things. The highlights and lowlights mixed with some sarcasm.

Slumdog Millionaire Thoughts 04/04/2009

Filed under: Movies — showznbookz @ 3:02 pm


Favorite Scene

Two boys fall off a moving train.  When the dust dissipates, the Taj Mahal can be seen in the background.

Jamal- “Is this heaven?”

Salim- “No Jamal, you’re not dead.”

Jamal- “What is it?…Some hotel, huh?”

I finally saw this Oscar winning film and it truly deserved the Best Picture win.  Did you know it almost went straight to DVD without being released in theaters?  I was surprised at how much humor there was but there were also those dramatic and tense moments.

What an original story though; it well deserved the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay!  The gist of it is that in flashbacks at various points of his life, Jamal is explaining to a cop how he knew the answers to the questions on the Millionaire game show.

And how gorgeous is Frida Pinto?  Wasn’t the host of the game show a real jerk-off?  I personally liked the song “O Saya” than “Jai Ho”, which won the Oscar for Best Song, but it’s all good.

Last thought:  What was up with the out-of-place group sing and dance number at the end?  I guess that was to please fans of Bollywood.

4 out of 5 stars